Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Killing Your Son

Killing Your Son

Haran dies before the face of his father (11:28)

Do we all suspect a great crime was committed in our family?  But what exactly was crime?  And who did it?

For my family, the Bible records the crime.  My brother Haran dies before the face of his father.  And the Bible gives us clues revealing why my brother died.

Haran breaks our masculine liberation movement’s vow.  We men pledged to never call a woman by name!  But Haran calls his daughters “Milcah” which means “Queen” and “Yiscah” which means “See.” Haran’s fatal mistake was call out, in front of our father,  “See, Queen -- come to dinner.”

Our father picks up his wooden and screams, “No names for girls in our tribe! Do you want to drown us in a flood again?”  He smashes the idol into Haran’s lips. When Haran’s daughters walk in, Haran manages to whisper as he dies, “See! Queen.”


Our half-sister sparked this tragedy.  She was the first woman in the Bible to be called “beautiful to see.”  It was impossible to ignore women after being awed by her beauty.  When I married her, I tried to keep her under control by calling her “Sarai” -- which means “My Princess.”

Monday, October 8, 2018

Blessings From Abraham: A Motherless Child

A Motherless Child

Terach begets Abram (11:26)

Holy Scriptures words, like sunbeams, come from a source more powerful than we can imagine. The words can guide, nourish or burn us. To remind us how awesome these words can be, I’ll put them in italics.

I’ll use the present tense when I translate the Hebrew.  I hope it’s finally safe to feel the challenging events from my past are happening now. I pray re-living our past may move nightmares to fuel dreams.

Many readers and listeners believe these sacred words will make their life better ‘n better ‘n better in every way every day. I pray my interpretation will not disappoint anybody.


Terach begets Abram (11:27).

We’re told twice, in two sentences right after each other, that Terach begets me.  Is Terach protesting too much?  Is he terrified he might not be my begetter?

It appears I might have been begotten miraculously.  There is no mention of my mother.  Why has she been disappeared?

For ten generations after the Flood, men get all the credit for begetting.  Men were like their God, who claimed to have created the heavens and earth all by Himself. Were men traumatized by women because they could not forget that Mother Earth drowned almost everyone?

Perhaps if men did not look at a woman, they would be able to mate without drowning? Is this why no women had a name for ten generations before I was born.  Even Noah’s wife was just called “Noah’s wife.”

I imagine Terach closing his tent flap to keep out any light after he enters.  He closes his eyes to hide in the dark within the darkness.  He gropes until he feels a sheepskin covering a body.  He puts the sheepskin over his head to feel a bit more comfortable in this void.

He searches with his calloused hands until he finds the place where two legs join. He pokes his erect wand until it opens a hole. And so, in a black hole, I am begotten.

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Bible Helps Me, Abraham, Remember Who I am

The Bible Helps Me, Abraham, Remember Who I Am

It would be a miracle remembering what happened over 3,000 years ago.  Fortunately, long term memory can become vivid when you get old.  And I have divine help.  God and his writers wrote down a sketch of my life in Genesis.

With these clues from the Bible, I invite you to re-live with me my sacred journeys.  It’s never too late to be more grounded.  More rooted in our sacred history, surely we will better bloom blessings.

My name was “Abram” for half my life.  “Abram” means “Father is exalted.”  You will soon see how I would need a miracle to exalt my father or be a father.  My struggles moved God to eventually change my name to “Abraham” which means “Father of More and More Billions of You.”
If you have trouble with the word “God”—and who can blame you, you’ll see how I discovered the word “God” reveals a creative mystery beyond our understanding.  Awesome, like our lives.